Crystal Bennett - Family Historian

Discover your Family Stories…

At Family History Stories, I’m passionate about empowering you to uncover and share your family’s unique journey. Through my carefully designed Canva template, how-to videos on my YouTube channel, and my vlog, Echoes of the Past, I guide you in transforming raw genealogy records into meaningful family history stories. Whether you’re looking for tools to organize your research, step-by-step tutorials, or inspiration from real-life examples, I provide the resources you need to bring your family’s narrative to life. Together, we’ll explore how to turn milestones, challenges, and triumphs into rich, captivating stories. If you’d like personalized guidance to get started on your own journey, schedule a mentor session with me and let’s create something extraordinary!

My name is Crystal Bennett, I would love to help you become your own family history historian!

Research Template


By using this template to visually organize your records, you’ll gain a clear, comprehensive view of the information you already have while pinpointing exactly what’s missing. This approach makes researching your ancestors more efficient and enjoyable, helping you build a complete picture of your family history. Start documenting your family’s legacy today!

Discover your family history stories so you can begin to connect to the family stories that beautifully created you!

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